Elder Dola is serving a two year mission in Praia, Cape Verde, for the Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-Day Saints.

Monday, June 3, 2013

Hoje e onde da ki panha!


So I'm in Mindelo right now after having finished a weeks worth of divisions and I'm kind of tired. Since last Wednesday I have travelled by airplane, taxi, bus, hiace, boat, truck and foot. I have been on three different islands and have learned a lot. I spent some time with the zone leaders in Mindelo and then I jumped on a boat to go visit the island of Santo Antao! It was my first time visiting that area of the mission and I think it may be one of my favorite islands so far. The boat takes you to the city of Porto Novo which surrounds the big fancy port and from there I went deep into the mountains to an area called Ribeira Grande. That is one of the most beautiful areas I have ever seen! The drive out there is about an hour long and it goes along the coast and through the mountain passes out to what is basically a jungle. The mountains are huge and they are so green! Banana trees, mango trees, sugar cane and so much more! I don't know if I've ever been in a place more amazing before in my life. The Crioulo is ridiculous though and it was by far the hardest to understand. I'm super glad to have had the chance to visit.

So we've been travelling a lot because we need leaders here in the mission! We have been working with a lot of the young zone leaders and some of the newer missionaries to try to help them gain more confidence in themselves so that they continue the work left behind by the missionaries who are going home. It's really cool to get to work with them and to pass along all that I have been taught since the start of my mission. We have some amazing missionaries here and it is cool to see how the Lord prepares everything so that the work never stops.

Back in my area we had a baptism on Saturday and a lot of things are going well for us. I kind of miss being there though and we are going to have a shortened week in our area again this week because on Wednesday we are going out to Assomada!!! I'm super stoked though because I haven't been back to Assomada since I got transferred over a year ago. After two days in Assomada though we are going to spend the rest of the transfer in Praia working in our area and with some of the missionaries there. A lot of work to do but it keeps us busy and I have been seeing the blessings as a result of it all.

Ryan finally got his mission call!! It's about time! At least he still gets to go Spanish speaking though so that will be good. It's so weird that everyone is going home right now. It seems like not too long ago we all just started leaving for our missions. Time just seems to go by way too fast. Well I don't really have much else to write. I fly back to Praia tomorrow morning and have a day to work in my area and get preparations started for transfers before jumping in a hiace to Assomada. Life is awesome! Have a good week and I love you all!